Bold Suspension protective glass made of Plexiglas Suspension cover mm Thickness Made of colorless polystyrene Dimensions cm cm With mounting holes mm Eco mesh Gray lawn mesh Durable Dimensions range from mm to mm Made from recycled materials Marking If the product has a brand you can enter the brand here. It is worth filling in this field.
Your product does not have a brand For example you sell plexiglass cutting services You can provide the name of your company as a brand. Description Your description can contain up to , characters. If you Job Function Email List already have any product descriptions in your store, you can insert them here. Provide accurate and correct information. The more accurate and correct information.
Included in the description, the easier it will be for users to find the product they are looking for. Contain the most important information in the first characters. You can use up to , characters but the user must click on the description to see the full content. Provide the product's most important features and describe its appearance. Here are some examples of relevant information Dimensions; Material; Target age range Who the product is suitable for Special features.