Depending on your industry, this content can come in the form of a calculator, a quiz, or an ebook. The key is in pinpointing an issue your audience needs help with — one that is directly tied to your brand — and providing an interactive solution.As an example, take a look at marketbeat’s dividend calculator. The tool allows users to calculate income from their dividend stock portfolios.
Its complexity is evident. If the calculator process were easy, people specific database by industry wouldn’t need to search for a calculator — they could make their own educated estimates. The creation of it requires both the understanding of finance and current trends in the field.Since the calculator is exceptionally helpful, it will elevate the brand in visitors’ eyes, and they are likely to return and become more qualified leads.
C) tie a solution to the probleminteractive content also allows you to promote your own solution for a particular problem. This does not mean you need to blatantly promote and sell your product or service. It just means that you should incorporate them in your final piece of content in an organic way.Let’s look at an example to explain the point better. Ath has a protein calculator tool that is of great service to anyone who is just getting started on their fitness journey, as well as anyone who just wants to eat better and understand their protein intake needs.