The content background does not cover the entire screen, but usually surrounds the area around text or graphics on the page. Its task is to highlight text or an image, improve its visibility and structure the page by separating individual sections from each other. Header background background in the header Screenshot from the BOWWE template showing a hero image with photos of people Template BOWWE with a background in the header of the site with a business character. A different header background at the top of the page is a proven way to grab visitors' attention and focus them on a specific element.
An attractive background such as an interesting illustration photo editing servies unique graphics, or your brand's colors in such a prominent location will help focus attention on the element displayed there, such as the product offering and call to action. What can be used as a website background? There are many options for designing a background on the site. It can take different forms, depending on the effect you want to achieve. Here are the basic techniques for creating a background solid color gradient picture or photograph graphics animation background with parallax effect To learn more Why is it worth taking care of the website background.
Background is one of the most important visual factors that can determine the perception and therefore the success of an entire website. The appearance of a website is as important as its content or functionality. When running an online business, you must constantly ask yourself how you can positively influence the perception of the entire website and the results it achieves. So, check out what a well designed background can do for your website Creates a good first impression The background is one of the first elements that catches the users' eyes as soon as they enter the site.