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Screenshot of bicycle rental and repair markers









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Niagra Cycling Tourism Centre created multiple maps as well. Some indicate cyclists’ routes, and others indicate where cyclists could stop for repairs and additional services along those bike routes. The third image is of a Maps Marker Pro legend.

Cartography training isn’t needed to create your own maps that look as precise and professional as these.

Bringing the World to Your (Virtual or Physical) Door
How exactly is all of this done? Let’s say you’re the owner of Mindi’s Moochi Delights & Cafe – where you sell moochi desserts, beverages, and short cook menu items. You have both a website and brick-and-mortar Country Email List shop, but your primary marketing goal is to get foot traffic into your store. What would be your next step?

Step 1
After installation, click Maps Marker Pro in your administration panel within WordPress, followed by Add new marker. You should be led to a page that looks similar to this.

Maps Marker Pro Add New Marker
“Add new marker” Screenshot

Step 2
Fill out all necessary fields. You want to name the marker, enter its location, choose its map size and zoom level, assign a layer (if desired), determine the type of control box and display panel, select an icon, decide if you’d like pop-up text, and if so, enter that text, and then click Publish.

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