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Re-engagement: how to recover inactive leads









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Let's talk about one of the biggest headaches for companies that dedicate their efforts to email marketing: the lack of interaction. When resources are invested in creating a good lead magnet and even a campaign to increase the database, but sales do not reach what was expected, the time has come to resort to the next strategy: re- engagement .

What is a re-engagement campaign?
We talk about re-engagement to refer to the techniques and strategies that seek to reactivate contacts on a mailing list . It's about reengaging them in the content of your newsletters so that they open them, click on the links you propose and, ultimately, enter your sales funnel again.

There are other types of re-engagement campaigns focused on retaining users who come to a website through social networks . Studies show that the average bounce rate has increased considerably in this segment and therefore specific actions have been developed to retain and retain these leads.

Inactive leads: why they are created and how they affect a company
Inactive leads or cold leads are those contacts on Mexico Mobile Number List your mailing list who do not open your emails , but also those who, even if they open them, do not perform any of the actions you suggest in them. They don't click on links , they don't answer surveys... They are email addresses that add to your database, but don't bring you any benefit .

On the contrary, the existence of many inactive leads can be detrimental to your company. Firstly, because e-mail marketing has a cost, although that cost is much lower than that of traditional advertising. Sending emails to people who don't open them is an unnecessary cost. Secondly, because when some email providers detect that yours are not being opened, they can classify them as spam. A fact that damages your image and the online reputation of your brand.

Inactive leads should disappear from your database, although not before offering them one last opportunity to re-engage with your content. And that is the purpose of a good re-engagement strategy .

Although before you start recovering those users, you must identify them and find the reasons why they have stopped interacting with your newsletters. Once cold leads have been identified, it is necessary to segment them. From there you can think about re-engaging them.

Re-engagement strategies
4 examples of re-engagement campaigns to activate cold leads
We address four re-engagement campaign examples that you can use to regain the attention of your leads. In each of these examples we focus on an element of email marketing . Acting on all of them at once may seem tempting, but it does not always give the expected results.

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