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My web agency is based in Le Havre, in SeineMaritime. It is not interesting for me to appear in first position in a Google search for Le Havre or SeineMaritime. On the other hand, appearing at the top of searches for Web Agency Le Havre, I take it! The combination of your vital words and your important words gives you more or less relevant key expressions.  Strong expressions This is the complete list of phrases from the combination of your vital keywordsimportant keywords, instinctive keywords, competitor key phrases and those offered by the Google tool.

Your Strong Expressions column will undoubtedly contain hundreds, if not Albania WhatsApp Number thousands, of suggestions. If, as we advised you above, you have worked on your personas, then the interviews carried out have necessarily given you additional ideas for your keywords!  Long tail keywords Once you have listed all the types of keywords, mix it all up! This will allow you to obtain longtail keywords. You should know that in France, a words. It is therefore essential to avoid keywords that are too broad and to favor expressions of several words. This allows you to attract more qualified visitors and position yourself on less competitive keywords.

You naturally cannot and should not work on the SEO of your website for all these keywords. It is now important to sort things out by ensuring the interest of your expressions and the level of competition to which they are subject. How to choose the most effective keywords for your SEO? First of all, you must check the relevance of your strong expressions. Are they really used by Internet users? This is an important point because properly referencing your website will require a lot of effort, so if no one enters the keywords you have chosen, your return on investment will be sadly zero.   Are your keywords captured enough?

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