Also, make sure to include a contextual link in your updated article (that’s the point of all this!). Remember that your link shouldn’t be forced in the post. Just link out naturally. For example, in the “25 Awesome Free Google Tools for Marketers” article I updated, my link to look like this: “Neil Patel has listed the must-have SEO tools for content marketing here.
That link fits in with the context of that section (the section talks about seo tools for marketing) and doesn’t use Iran WhatsApp Number Data keyword-rich anchor text. It looks as natural as it can get. Send Them the Updated Article Finally, send the person you’re in contact with their updated article: Hi [NAME], I just put the finishing touches on your updated post (attached).
Because the article was great to begin with, I only updated the section on [TOPIC]. The rest is pretty much the same. Let me know what you think! 2. most people aren’t diligent about updating their old content. That means that not only is their content often out of date – but their links as well.