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The weight of the economic









Rank: 1

發表於 2024-3-11 14:13:41 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
The influences and the power of the companies continues to prevail over the values Humans, Big Data is a super powerful tool, allows you to get information until recently unthinkable, but as many things in life depend on the use that you give it, they can be beneficial or very destructive to society, I think that the big data will establish new Business monopolies, the information is control and power and I do not see it clear that companies go in the line of using it optimally for the social good, they will give some brushstrokes but to give an image not because they want to give solutions to problems.

For example, it is obvious that the planet is Denmark WhatsApp Number Data changing, that urgent measures must be taken, but governments continue to mess around, people want to start using electric cars, but no one seriously considers it, the technology is there, but, Why not develop it a little more to improve its efficiency? Because it is not interesting at the moment, the oil companies want to continue selling oil even if people die, the same thing happens with medicines, their cost must be amortized, saving lives is in the background, something similar happens with Big Data, it will be developed with the purpose of achieving power, but not truly to generate a social benefit in its main objective.

What I do see as positive is that now, by generating so much information and being able to measure and interpret it, one can assess how they affect the activities of different companies, being able to judge their actions globally, and if something does not fit, expose it and make it known, potentially conditioning that form of action. A clear example is social networks, and for this reason, companies carry out social policies to keep their image clean and not to receive criticism that could harm them. I would like to be more optimistic about this issue, but something big would have to happen for society to realize that the most important thing is people, and not power or money... but today today...

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