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How to generate qualified LEADS using Whatsapp Business?









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發表於 2024-3-16 13:54:51 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式
Situations like these happen all the time and reflect the futility of wanting to sell to everyone, when the ideal is to attract customers who generate value for the business, become recurring and true ambassadors of your brand, uploading your products or Instagram Stories . And that will never happen if you don't discover how to generate qualified leads in your WhatsApp sales and how to take advantage of the right tools to achieve it. As a business owner you must work on creating long-term relationships and prioritizing “real customers” over those you achieved through an accumulation of disproportionate efforts and coincidences.

Both will never have the same value! So our goal is to ensure that, upon finishing reading this post, your entire sales team starts working towards the same goal: qualified leads. Go for it!  What is a lead? design how to generate leads CU Leads Leads are those people who in one way or another have expressed a genuine interest in what your business offers, whether with a comment, question or other type of approach. For that user to become a lead, they must belong to your company's target market, their curiosity must be genuine and, as a key point, they must provide their contact information voluntarily, in order to receive more information about your products. and services.

Once you have this, you can proceed to create content designed for it and for the phase of the sales funnel in which it is located. The idea is to connect with the user as soon as they show interest in your offer, to establish an organic relationship, as if it were a two-way communication, without being intrusive. Once you have your leads and the content for each one, the conversion process begins, where what was previously a mere unknown and nameless visit now becomes an exchange of content related to our product or service due to their interest and feedback about it. The result will be higher conversions and loyal customers.

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