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How to train a puppy









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發表於 2024-3-16 15:01:05 | 顯示全部樓層 |閱讀模式

If you want to train a puppy it is very important to start as soon as possible to obtain better results. The learning capacity of dogs, like that of humans, is greater the younger they are. When a puppy arrives at our house it is important, in addition to giving it attention and affection, to teach it some basic rules of behavior . A dog is considered a puppy until 14-16 months of age. From then on they are considered young dogs. Until they are 5 or 6 months old, it is totally normal that they do not pay much attention to you . Some puppies begin to learn at 3 months, although it is normal that our efforts to train a puppy do not begin to bear fruit until the first 6 months of life. To prevent peeing at home This training must begin when the puppy already has the vaccines and can start going outside . Until then, you can turn to Disane's washable and reusable pad , which absorbs urine quickly and neutralizes odors. The pad will help you during the training phase and is more economical and environmentally friendly than disposable plastic pads. These are some tips that you should keep in mind to train a puppy and teach it to control urination : Follow defined schedules for going outside. Don't wait for the puppy to show that he wants to go out (by walking around or sniffing at the door). Try to take him out for at least fifteen minutes four or five times a day (morning, noon, afternoon and night), always at the same times so he gets used to it.

During the first weeks, always take it out to the same places so that it gets used to it and recognizes its own smell. Remember that it is very important that you protect your pet against fleas, ticks and other parasites . Disane's natural antiparasitics offer you the advantage that since they are toxic-free, they can be used on puppies over 3 months old without any risk. You can opt for antiparasitic collars or antiparasitic pipettes . And, if you want to reinforce protection (especially if you live in a rural environment) you can apply antiparasitic spray or insect repellent powder before  CZ Leads  going out. The best way to educate him is to reward his good behavior . For this reason, it is important that you spend time with your pet and when he relieves himself on the street, reward him. If your dog pees at home, don't punish him . Find ways to stop him from doing it again. Disinfect the area to remove the odor, but don't clean while your dog is in the room. puppies dog To obey orders Dogs are pack animals and as such they need orders and a leader. It is recommended that they have a single teacher or owner who gives them instructions. The tone we use when issuing orders is important, since they are very sensitive to changes in the voice. Use short, clear phrases to issue orders, make sure the words are always the same , and use a serious tone for reprimands and a happy tone for rewards. It is advisable to do short training sessions, about three 5-minute sessions each day .

You can start with simple instructions, such as teaching him to sit or lie down. Choose a food as a reward . Make sure it has few calories and is small and easy to transport. walk puppies Training a puppy to go for a walk The first thing we have to get is for our puppy to get used to wearing the collar or harness . From there, you can start putting the leash on him. Don't put it on too tight, estimate that you can fit two fingers between the collar and your dog's neck. Leave the collar on at home too so he can get used to it more quickly. When leaving and entering the house, do it first and invite him to leave with a direct order like “let's go.” During the walk, be patient, release your dog in a recreation area to play and run. Back home , when he is tired, will be the best time for training. Start by wearing the leash without tension and go wherever your puppy wants, without imposing any direction. Stand to the side, preferably to the left of your pet and do not let it pass in front of you pulling . Initially use a short leash (no more than 2 meters) and not extendable. Continue to stop and teach him to stop too with a gentle tug . If he does, give him a treat or a pet and use words of affection and achievement. Tips to prevent biting while playing Biting while playing is natural for puppies. Their teeth are fine and pointed, so they must be taught not to bite to avoid scares, especially if we have children or other pets at home. It is also a habit that they should lose in adulthood as it can be dangerous, especially in medium and large dogs. To avoid it: avoid using your hands or feet when playing with your pup. use dog toys . They are safe for them, for you and for your personal belongings. Puppies have the need to bite, especially when they are  shedding their baby teeth for their permanent teeth , which causes them a lot of itching and pain. If we see that our puppy is chewing on a piece of furniture or an object that he shouldn't, we will have to draw his attention and give him a toy to chew on .
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