8. Send fewer emails Emailing too often hurts your conversion rate, open rate, and (yes, you're right) click rate. To see if your contact base is too overloaded with emails, try reducing your email frequency for a few weeks. If your click-through rate goes up, you've probably found where the problem lies.
Want something more intricate? Invite subscribers Brunei Email Listto independently determine the desired number of emails they receive from you. They will certainly appreciate it. The graph below summarizes the results of the MarketingSherpa study. In it, respondents answered the question: “How exactly do you want (if at all) to receive regular updates and promotions from companies that interest you? Select all appropriate answers.
Did you notice that 49% responded that they would like to receive emails with a frequency that they themselves determine. This is almost 2 times more than the number of respondents who want to receive letters with a predetermined frequency (at the company’s choice). U.S. subscribers' preferred ways to receive updates and promotions email frequency can have on your audience's interest in emails, here's another graph from MarketingSherpa.