However we do not recommend using PHP versions that do not have publisher support and we are not responsible for any security deficiencies that may become apparent later. If the support period for the PHP version you are using is coming to an end Change the PHP version you are using yourself. Use the instructions available at httpsomoc baza wiedzy powiedza wersji php na serwerze or forward it to your webmaster.
Request a change of the PHP version on your server to the technical service using the IT Services available to you https uslugi it . You can stay Phone Number List with your current version of PHP accepting that support has ended. To do this use the "Support for older PHP versions" service for PLN net year.
BE SURE TO READ ON THE BLOG PHP . hosted at in Keep the PHP version on your hosting up to date MORE INFORMATION FROM THE HELP CENTER Changing the PHP version on the server Share Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Share on LinkedIn PostgreSQL on CloudHosting servers October PostgreSQL on CloudHosting nazwa.