Fortunately, for small e-commerce businesses, it's worth a try. Do you know how? Through differentiation. The specialty has its charm, knowing everything about your area of expertise, being the expert, makes the difference. You can also give your customers more attention than anyone else, be the king of customer service. Now, for you to compete with a chance of success in an environment truly dominated by giants, you have to understand the current consumer journey. And this understanding, as we will see, necessarily
directs itsactionsfor a given route. How to think about 1000 Mobile Number List content marketing x e-commerce integration I read an excellent American whitepaper from PowerReviews, Mapping the Path to Purchase – How Today's Consumers Navigate the Shopping Journey. (reviews or customer comments), clearly showed in its conclusions the importance of these opinions in an e-commerce. We can elaborate a little more on the conclusions, but first, let's analyze some numbers from the study. Then, we will make the most of these answers. The idea of the study was to obtain answers to basic questions: Where consumers begin their
purchasing journeys. Why consumers choose certain channels. Where consumers go when they can't find what they want. How consumers decide whether to buy something online or in physical stores. The study showed a recent change at the beginning of the journey, Amazon surpassed search (read Google) as the starting point of the journey. We will see that this is symptomatic to support the main point of this article, the integration of e-commerce and content marketing.